Recycled wheels are one of the most popular requests we receive at DGFB. They are a super unique wheel in the fingerboarding realm. The current process to make them is incredibly hands on and time consuming, so because of that we don't accept any custom requests outside of scheduled drops. We do try to keep the website stocked as frequently as we can with the option for a custom order (until availability is full) and premade recycled sets. Typically during a drop our inventory only lasts a few minutes. The best way to buy recycled wheels from DudeGuy is to follow us on Instagram and set reminders for drop times.
We will continue to do our best to keep inventory available to as many people as we can. Please be patient with us and understand these limitations, thank you!
Below are some links to the current recycled wheel FAQs and Urethane Guide. These will be most frequently updated on our Instagram profile.
Urethane Guide VideoUrethane Guide SpreadsheetFAQs